News update
- "Dona i temps" exposició col·lectiva al Centre Cívic Barceloneta. De l'1 de març al 6 d'abril del 2018. S'inaugura el dijous 1 de març.
- Una muntanya porta el teu nom, exposició individual al Temple Romà de Vic. Del 27 de juny al 30 de Juliol, 2017.
- Exposició individual al celler Santa Maria de Sant Cugat, del 8 de Desembre fins al 8 de Febrer. 2016.
- M'han convidat a participar a la 4a ed. d' "El que hem vist" a laFuturA espai de creació, una exposició col°lectiva d'art efímer. Durant les festes de Poble Sec, i des del dia 15 de Juliol fins a l'1 d'Agost.
- Solo exhibition , "Corona Radiata, per tu retorno" at Centre Cívic de Sant Martí, Barcelona. Maig 2015
- " Corona radiata...per tu retorno", exposició individual al Centre Cívic de Sant Martí a Barcelona. May 2015
- October 2014 : Mini Exhibition! at Malmitalo, Malmi, Finland.
- October 2014- January 2015: I've been again collaborating for the unique and exceptional brand CUS, as a textile designer. Eventhough some technical issues and with the perspective that only time can give us, this has been again a fruitful collaboration. Thank you!
He tornat a col°laborar per la marca Cus, de dissenys exclusius i especials, com a dissenyadora tèxtil. Aquesta vegada l'estampat que he creat ha donat una mica més de mal de caps. Precisament, amb la perspectiva que dóna el temps, m'adono que ha estat de nou una experiència enriquidora i màgica. Gràcies Adriana!
- 1.08.2014- 28.08.2104 I am a resident at the Villa Sarkia (Nuomen Voiman Liito) artistic residencies; developing my new project and getting inspired.
- 1.06.2014 some fresh news :
Very excited to see the final result of the published magazine Sukupuolentutkimus-lehti featuring my paintings and a brief biography.
Happy to collaborate and work with them, my thanks to Miina Sofia.
The articles in the Gender Studies of Finland book are of scientific approach on gender related issues and studies. The magazine is entirely in Finnish, still I can as well provide of a small recap in English (and maybe Catalan and Spanish) when is issued.
To be continued... very soon !/////////////////
The print I designed during my collaboration with CUS, is in the pre-production phase. We are intrigued to see how combining our "forces" we may achieve greater things. /////////////////
I am right now busy with the illustrated album project. This is a much mysterious and mystical process. /////////////////
- 03. 2014 : Arlene Tucker interviewed me for Scribble Town. It was a pleasure to be in their space, and to be able to spread creativity amongst the youngest ones. Thanks!
The collaboration started on September 2013 and is an ongoing "relationship".
- 11.11. 2014 : New exhibition at Galeria Espai (b) " De cara"
Eventhough I am in Finland , four of my paintings are there.
02. 2013 : I was interviewed by the magazine ANORMALMAG :, here's the excerpt ! Thanks!
- "Inventari (10)" a la Galeria Espai B! Collective exhibition @ Espai (B) for their 10th anniversary.
- Group show at Galeria Espai B 28.07.2012