
Showing posts from 2013

Outside, where I belong

Longest night of the year... pre Joulu spirit!

"Own it"

The fox, me & myself... in #DeCara @ Espai (B) collective

De cara by Lamono

"De Cara" a collective exhibition ...face to face!

Talk to The Rain

Hand prints research...and new projects

The cursed or the gifted ones

On / off

Learning from you II

Learning from you

Ofrenda Ofelia : Collaboration work for Armuseli

Very happy to be in the Catalysti Artists List!

In the woods I am different, my Fiskars babies

Mans, dones, treball

Albicans or the brave ones

En memòria de la Núria Torra 06.08.2013

Corpus Luteum

Pikku Emäntä...

Col.lectiva d'Estiu a l ' ESPAI us ho perdeu!!

Exili ( preparant la marxa)

Per tu retorno

El joc de l'Heura

one of plants!...


More new ones...


from now on...a partir d'ara:

showcased in Anormalmag :)!

Que ve el llop!

friends & postcards !

new projects: children's book


and 2013...!